Wednesday, 18 May 2011

The Alphabotley Run

The Otley Run is so well known that I never chose to do it during 32 years in Leeds. It's not actually well-defined; various versions have differing numbers of pubs. This number fluctuates with taste and local knowledge.

But I shall be leaving Leeds, so in Mark's words, "It's gotta be done". Stuff the rules - I discarded the traditional ordering & certainly didn't do them all in one afternoon. Alphabetically seemed the best approach, but a proper drink [at least] seemed important.

It took from March 2nd until May 16th. But it was thorough: I recorded

  • Beverage and cost
  • Date/time
  • Apposite photographs
I also composed useful illustrative comments for others, and assigned descriptive keywords.

These data are readable for your enjoyment.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Deutscher Urlaub

So we travel to Köln by way of a weekend break.
“Have you come to flee the royal wedding?” asks the hotel receptionist. “You have it right”, I say, “All 6 of us”. [This exchange conducted in German.]
So we saw Köln cathedral, the Ludwig Gallery, the Rhine, u.s.w., but the highlights had to be:
  • The Düsseldorf Nord-Friedhof, featuring the grave of Rosemarie Nittribit (now complete with head). Splendidly understated WW1 and WW2 sections, and a memorial mason’s supermarket. And an apiary.
    Some pictures exist.
  • The Marine Olberman stores on Bayenstrasse: so good we had to visit it twice, on both occasions getting a frosty reception from the staff who spoke so much German it was clear that they knew we weren’t taking them seriously.
    Some pictures exist, and we bought things which I will display on request.
  • The Lego shop. Oh wow, if Lego were edible, would this place make you fat. Just had to be satisfied with Woodie and the Rabbit/Egg tableau.
    Some pictures exist.
The Kölner cable car, incidentally, travels directly over the spa baths where large middle aged Germans disport themselves nakedly. A picture exists, but I have chosen to share it with precisely one special friend.
Other pictures exist that reconstruct the experience rather well.